I Kept Receipts… | The Jalopy Journal The Jalopy Journal

I Kept Receipts…

Covid sucker-punched The Rodder’s Journal like a freight train careening off the rails. And then, like a twisted symphony of chaos, everything conspired to crank up the volume on the misery. Bad calls, bad timing, bad luck – bad juju seemed to infest every corner of existence. Self inflected, not, etc…

Then came the vultures, circling over those already down a few bucks, salivating at the prospect of another casualty. I could stomach that to a degree, even understand the sentiment, but there were times when it felt like folks were cheering on The Rodder’s Journal’s demise just so they could pat themselves on the back for being right. It irked me to no end – not because the magazine’s honcho is a buddy of mine, but because to me, The Rodder’s Journal stands as a bastion of our shared passion, a sacred text in the scripture of our world. The mere thought of our realm without its presence sent shivers down my spine.

But lo and behold, fortune favors the resilient. It’s back, baby. And I couldn’t be prouder of my comrade for taking those blows square on the chin, rising from the ashes without even bothering to brush off the dust, and striding forth with unwavering determination.

The Rodder’s Journal #86 is en route, sailing through the postal chaos like a beacon of hope. And you can bet your bottom dollar, I kept receipts.

I Kept Receipts… The Jalopy Journal The Jalopy Journal

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